Tag Archives: spitting up

Should I switch my fussy baby to soy formula?

Ask Anne… Question: My 2 month old baby is fussy and spits up a lot. My doctor said she has milk allergies and recommended switching her to a soy formula. What do you think? Answer: We know that cow’s milk is a very allergenic substance, because it  isn’t ‘species specific’. In other words, human milk is designed for human babies …

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Do sick breastfeeding babies need Pedialyte?

Ask Anne… Question: My six month old baby has the stomach flu. Her doctor says she needs to stop breastfeeding and drink Gatorade or Pedialyte until the nausea and diarrhea stop. The problem is that she wants to nurse even more now than she did before she got sick. She doesn’t understand why she can’t nurse to sleep like she …

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What do I do when my baby vomits after nursing?

Ask Anne… Question: I have a darling three and a half week old baby boy and we have a problem that has me stumped. At least once a day he vomits after nursing He will seem to be content and then get extremely fussy and agitated, and then he  vomits  – in great quantity, it looks like around 4 oz …

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How long does it take for food to get into my breast milk?

Ask Anne… Question:  How long does it take for food I eat to get into my breast milk? If I have chicken, rice and a salad for dinner, then when would I expect to have that show up in my milk? Answer:  I can’t tell you exactly how long it takes for the food you eat to affect your breast milk, because there are so many variables involved, including how often you nurse, the type of food you eat, and your individual body chemistry and metabolism. An average (and this is only an …

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