Search Results for: low supply

Is it normal to get headaches while nursing?

Ask Anne… Question: is it normal to get headaches  while nursing? I didn’t have this problem when I was breastfeeding my daughter eight years ago. Answer: Headaches while nursing are an uncommon, but not abnormal occurrence. Headaches like migraines, which are caused by sensitivity to hormones, are usually less severe and occur less frequently during lactation. There are two basic types …

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Why is one breast bigger than the other?

Ask Anne… Question:  One of my breasts has always been a bit larger than the other, but since I started breastfeeding, the difference is really pronounced. Other than the way it looks, my main concern is that my left side is overflowing, while  my right makes barely anything.Why is one breast bigger than the other, and is there anything I …

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How can I combine bottle and breast feeding?

Ask Anne… Question: I plan to breastfeed exclusively for six weeks. However, I plan to go back to work after my six weeks are up, so I want to pump and put my breast milk into a bottle only. I’m not sure how to introduce the bottle to my infant, and don’t know how long I should wait before I …

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Blood In Breast milk

Ask Anne… Question:  I  delivered my baby girl three days ago. My breast milk came in yesterday, and today I pumped for the first time because my breasts were so full. When I pumped, there was blood in the milk and it looked pink.  I don’t know what’s  wrong, and I’m afraid to feed the milk to my baby. Help! Answer: Although …

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Weight Gain

One of the biggest concerns all new moms have is whether or not their baby is gaining enough weight, especially when they are breastfeeding. Moms go to their baby’s first few checkups holding their breath when their baby is put on the scale, waiting to see what the doctor’s verdict is. Is their baby in the 50th percentile or above? …

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Why are my breasts still engorged a week after I stopped nursing?

Sore Nipples

Ask Anne… Question:I stopped breastfeeding a week ago. My breasts are still swollen, extremely painful and rock-hard, after seven days. How long will this last? Answer: I don’t know any details about your weaning, but if you are still experiencing the symptoms you described after a week, then I have to assume that you stopped nursing rather abruptly rather than …

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