Search Results for: low supply

Nursing Nook

Ask Anne… Question: I have a two week old baby who nurses around the clock. We co-sleep, and I don’t have any problem with that, but I feel really tied down during the day. He nurses for 45 minutes at a feeding,  and it’s hard to get anything done. I had a c-section, and I know I need to move …

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How can I get my newborn to latch on and nurse?

Badass Amber breastfeeding her baby

Ask Anne… Question: My 4 day old refuses to latch on and nurse. When she was born she was jaundiced and very sleepy. She slept for 7 hours her first night home.  Now she is more lively, but she cries and pulls off my breast and won’t latch on at all. While waiting for my milk to come in, we …

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Why does my breast milk change colors?

Ask Anne… Question:  My milk seems to look different every time I pump. Sometimes it looks thin and watery, and sometimes yellow and creamy. At times it has a bluish or greenish tint. What could be causing that? Answer : Unlike formula, which always looks the same, the composition and appearance of human milk changes from day to day, from feeding …

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Tips for Leaking Breasts

  I remember how overwhelming breastfeeding felt after my first baby was born. We had some difficulties starting out, but even after we sorted those out there were some things involved in the breastfeeding relationship that I just hadn’t anticipated. One of those issues was leaking breasts. My third baby was born a little over a month ago and I …

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Cluster Feedings and Growth Spurts

Ask Anne… Question:  My seven week old baby girl wants to nurse constantly from the hours of 5:00 pm until she goes to bed, which is normally around 11:00 pm.  What is causing the constant eating? Is she getting enough from me to satisfy her? She wants  to nurse again 45 minutes to an hour after she finishes eating. Please …

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Breastfeeding And Postpartum Depression

Many mothers suffer from postpartum depression (PPD) after they give birth. It most often occurs during the early weeks or months, but it can show up anytime during the first year. First time moms are more likely to experience PPD. No one knows exactly what causes it, or why some women get depressed and other don’t. We do know that …

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Leanne’s Breastfeeding Story by guest blogger Leanne

My name is Leanne. I’m from Berkshire in the UK. My beautiful daughter was born 04/03/13, I didn’t find out until 34 weeks I was expecting, but decided I wanted to breast feed. I had already decided if I was going to be blessed with child I would breast feed. My story begins with my waters breaking on the 02/03/13 …

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Badass Breastfeeding and Pregnant

So, yeah, Jack is still breastfeeding. He is 29 months and I am entering my second trimester of pregnancy at 17 weeks. At first I noticed nothing. Then noticed the horrid awful pain, like a stinging pinching feeling when latching on. Sometimes even nausea while nursing. The pain comes and goes now. I’m going to stick it out because, well, …

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