Search Results for: low supply

Breastfeeding the Premature Baby: Nursing in the NICU

Worldwide, more than 15 million babies are born prematurely each year. In the US, that number is close to 500,000. Due to the increased incidence of multiple births resulting from fertility treatments, as well as medical technology that has increased the survival rates for extremely preterm babies, the numbers are rising. Between 5% and 18% of babies worldwide are born …

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Why does my nipple turn white after nursing my baby?

Ask Anne… Question: I’m nursing my 3 month old and haven’t had any nipple soreness since the first few days after she was born. However, for the past week  my right nipple has been very sore. At the end of every feeding, the tissue at the center of my nipple is white. There isn’t any pus or discharge, but it is very painful.  …

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Breast Changes During Pregnancy

As a woman progresses through the various life stages of puberty, childbirth, and menopause, her body and her breasts go through many changes. Regardless of how she plans to feed her baby, her body will begin the process of preparing for lactation as soon as she becomes pregnant. Her breasts will continue to change all throughout the pregnancy in preparation for her infant’s first feeding. Here are some of the …

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Trying to Relactate

Ask Anne… I am currently trying to relactate. I work full time Monday thru Friday from 8-5, and my job doesn’t allow me much time to pump. I hand express whenever I can, and then I try to latch her on as soon as I get home. The problem is that she gets really mad when not much milk comes …

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Medicine safe while breastfeeding?

Ask Anne… Question: I’m nursing my three month old baby, and I’m having a hard time getting over a head cold. Now I’m developing a cough. Is there any medicine that’s safe to take while breastfeeding? Answer:  Most medications are safe for breastfeeding mothers. In  nearly all cases, the risk of side effects in your baby is extremely small. When taking any medication during pregnancy …

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Milk comes out of baby’s nose

Ask Anne… Question: Sometimes when she’s nursing, my three month old will cough and cry and I notice that breast milk comes out of her nose.  Is this just a reaction to  my milk letting down too quickly, or could it be a physiological problem  w th the baby’s nose & throat? This is my fifth breastfed child and I  have …

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Should I wake my baby to nurse during the night?

Ask Anne… Question: My baby is 6 weeks old. I’ve been setting an alarm for every  4 hours since the start of each feeding every night. Usually he wakes up before that to nurse, but occasionally he will still be asleep after 4 hours so I will wake him to eat. Is it best to continue waking him, or should I wait for him …

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Babies Have Different Needs… By Badass Elise

Dear Mama, One day, you will tell me not to cry over spilled milk. And I will tell you that you’re silly because I’ve seen and heard you cry over spilled milk many times before, mama. I saw you cry the night I was born prematurely; too soon for this already harsh world. With your hands tightly clenched, you held …

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