Search Results for: low supply

Introducing Bottles and Pacifiers to a Breastfed Baby

Many babies switch effortlessly between breast and bottle from day one. Others become “nipple confused” if artificial nipples are introduced during the early days of nursing. The mechanics of breast and bottle-feeding are quite different. When a baby nurses, his tongue and jaws must work together rhythmically, cupping his tongue under the areola, and pressing it up against his palate. …

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Why did I start my period? I’m still breastfeeding!

Ask Anne… Question: Why did I start my period? I’m still breastfeeding! I am currently nursing my third child. She is seven months old and still nurses 4~6 times a day. The problem? I started my period today! Yuck! With both of my other babies it took MONTHS after they weaned to get my period back. So what is going …

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Breastfeeding and Down syndrome

One in every 641 babies is born with Down syndrome, making it the world’s most common major genetic condition. Nursing the baby with Down syndrome can be challenging, but with patience and persistence and as the baby grows in strength and muscle tone, breastfeeding often gets easier. In the meantime, both you and your baby can enjoy all the special …

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Help – I’m losing my milk!

Ask Anne… Question: I’m exclusively my 4 month old baby girl, and haven’t had any problems up til now. She is gaining weight well – she weighed 5 lbs 12 ounces when she was born, and now at 4 months she weighs 14 lbs. I’m returning to work when she’s 6 months old, and 2 weeks ago I started double …

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How Can I Tell if my Baby is Getting Enough Milk?

Women have two breasts instead of one so that they can nurse twins, so it stands to reason that the average mother with two breasts will be able to produce enough milk for one baby (at least). Since breast milk intake can’t be measured without using  scientific equipment or expressing it and putting it in bottles, it’s important to know …

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NICU How To # 1: Don’t Bomb ANYONE.

I have been sitting here in the book store staring blankly at an empty screen for quite a while, trying to think of what I can possibly say to other NICU parents that might be encouraging, supportive, and positive, yet not made of sparkles and unicorn farts.   I have also been sitting here quite a while because I locked myself …

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When a Nursing Mother Gets Sick

When you are sick, you and your baby will almost always benefit from continuing to breastfeed. There are very few illnesses that require a mother to stop nursing. Since most illnesses are caused by viruses that are most contagious before you even realize you are sick, your baby has already been exposed before you even develop symptoms (such as fever, …

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Breastfeeding Mythbusters

Over the past forty years of working with nursing moms and babies (first as a La Leche League Leader, and then as an IBCLC),  I’ve seen a lot of changes come and go in the lactation world. There has been a lot of old school advice about breastfeeding that was not only incorrect, but also sounds more than a little crazy …

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