Search Results for: low supply

Is my baby weaning himself?

Ask Anne… Question:   My nine month old baby has been on a nursing strike for almost a week. He is teething, and I think that it all started at the end of an usually hectic week, when he bit me and I raised my voice at him. He is eating solids and gaining weight, but he refuses a bottle and does not  take …

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Can I breastfeed with pierced nipples?

Ask Anne… Question: I had my nipples pierced when I was a teenager. Now I’m in my 20s and thinking about having a baby. Can I breastfeed my baby with pierced nipples? Answer: There is no evidence that established pierced nipples will affect your ability to breastfeed, although milk may leak out of the hole.  Try to prevent engorgement and …

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Do I really need a breast pump?

pumping and storing breastmilk

Ask Anne… Answer: Hi Cheryl! How lucky you are to be able to stay at home with this baby. I know there must be nursing mothers out there who miss their jobs and look forward to going back to work, but I think they are in the minority. Most working mothers would love to stay at home, but just can’t afford …

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Can I smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol while I’m nursing?

Ask Anne… Question: I am 35 weeks pregnant with my second baby. I went back to work early with my first baby and didn’t try to nurse,  but this time I’ll be a SAHM and I plan to breastfeed. I like to occasionally have  a beer or glass of wine, but I’m not drinking while I’m pregnant.  What about after my baby …

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Breastfeeding problems due to flat nipples

Ask Anne… Question: With my first son I successfully nursed until he was 12 months old, at which time he weaned himself. The beginning was very rough and I almost gave up many times. The main problem I had was flat nipples. Neither my doctor or I thought to check before my baby was born.  Now that I am expecting …

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What can I do to prevent my baby from weaning too early?

Ask Anne… Question: My daughter weaned herself when she was six months old. She would cry and scream at the breast, refusing to nurse.  I tried everything under the sun to get her to start nursing again, but she just wouldn’t. After a week I gave in and started feeding her formula since she had to eat, and I was …

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Large Breasted Women and Breastfeeding

Ask Anne… Question:  What is a good position to breastfeed a baby for a large breasted woman? My sister has been using the football hold, but at four weeks her daughter is getting harder to support in this position. Any other ideas? Answer: The mother with large breasts (DD or above) may find that she has to experiment a little …

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