Because jaundice is such a common condition, some medical professionals don’t take the time to explain all the details, because they deal with jaundiced babies every day. However, when the baby in question is your own precious newborn, you need to get as much information as possible to put your mind at ease. Nearly all infants are jaundiced to some …
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Nursing Tips for the Large Breasted Woman
Over the past thirty-five years of experience working with nursing mothers whose breasts came in an amazing variety of shapes and sizes, I have discovered that breastfeeding can present special challenges for the large breasted woman. Breast milk production is a function of the glandular tissue inside the breast as well as the baby’s appetite and suckling ability. The fatty …
Read More »Establishing Your Milk Supply: Starting Out Right
The art of breastfeeding in something that you learn by doing, and it gets easier with practice. In the old days, young women grew up seeing their family members and friends nurse. Breastfeeding was the norm, unlike today where we live in a bottle feeding culture. In today’s society, many women have never seen anyone nurse a baby. The idea …
Read More »Teething and Biting
Many new mothers tell me that they plan to nurse their babies for six months, or until they get teeth. With the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) now recommending nursing for at least a year, it makes sense to re-examine our ideas about breastfeeding babies with teeth. I have had two babies out of six who got teeth at four …
Read More »Breastfeeding the Premature Baby: Nursing in the NICU
Worldwide, more than 15 million babies are born prematurely each year. In the US, that number is close to 500,000. Due to the increased incidence of multiple births resulting from fertility treatments, as well as medical technology that has increased the survival rates for extremely preterm babies, the numbers are rising. Between 5% and 18% of babies worldwide are born …
Read More »Breast Changes During Pregnancy
As a woman progresses through the various life stages of puberty, childbirth, and menopause, her body and her breasts go through many changes. Regardless of how she plans to feed her baby, her body will begin the process of preparing for lactation as soon as she becomes pregnant. Her breasts will continue to change all throughout the pregnancy in preparation for her infant’s first feeding. Here are some of the …
Read More »Breastfeeding and Lactose Intolerance
Mothers are often told that their fussy or gassy babies are ‘lactose intolerant’, but this is rarely the case. Lactose intolerance has become a catch all label for any baby who is fussy, or gassy, or has any kind of intestinal upset. Formula companies love to use this label to their advantage, with ads for products like “Similac Sensitive®: …
Read More »Nursing In Public
In the United States, breasts are considered sexual objects, and while it is just fine to expose them falling out at the pool in a bikini, or in advertisements for just about any product you can think of, many people feel that there is something disgusting about that same breast when it has a baby attached to it. The previous …
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