Anne Smith, IBCLC

Anne Smith, IBCLC
As the mother of six wonderful breastfed children, three perfect breastfed grand babies, and an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) with over twenty-five years experience in lactation counseling, I can offer you professional support, as well as information and advice based on my personal experiences over the years.

Is it safe for nursing moms to scoop cat litter?

Ask Anne… Question: I know that during pregnancy I was not supposed to scoop cat litter. How about while breastfeeding?  Is it dangerous? Should I get rid of my cat? Answer: The concern about cleaning out litter boxes is the transmission of a nasty parasite called ‘toxoplasma gondii’. You don’t need to get rid of your family pet, but you do need …

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When a Nursing Mother Gets Sick

When you are sick, you and your baby will almost always benefit from continuing to breastfeed. There are very few illnesses that require a mother to stop nursing. Since most illnesses are caused by viruses that are most contagious before you even realize you are sick, your baby has already been exposed before you even develop symptoms (such as fever, …

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Breastfeeding Mythbusters

Over the past forty years of working with nursing moms and babies (first as a La Leche League Leader, and then as an IBCLC),  I’ve seen a lot of changes come and go in the lactation world. There has been a lot of old school advice about breastfeeding that was not only incorrect, but also sounds more than a little crazy …

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Facebook’s War on Nipples

I originally posted this in 2012, but although Facebook has lightened up on its censorship policies since then, their censorship of breastfeeding photos still crops up way too often, so I’m sharing it again after a little editing to reflect how Facebook’s  policies have changed since I wrote this 3 year ago. This article explains Facebook’s new policy on breastfeeding photos …

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How can I keep my baby from pulling away from my nipples?

Ask Anne… Question: My 4 1/2 month old daughter has started to pull away and yank on my nipples when nursing. As a result my nipples are getting sore. I used to enjoy nursing and would like to continue. What can I do to break her of this bad habit? Answer: There are a number of reasons for babies to …

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Breastfeeding Dads

It’s an anatomical fact that men don’t have the equipment to give birth or breastfeed, but that doesn’t mean that fathers can’t play an important role in helping their partner give birth and successfully nurse their new baby. For most mothers, their partner’s opinion is the biggest influence on making the decision between breast or bottle feeding – more important than  …

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Boob Nazi? No.

Once again, I came across a biased breastfeeding bashing article that demonized lactation consultants, and I’m royally pissed. I’ll cut straight to the chase here:  There is a huge difference between a “Breastfeeding Nazi”, and a “Lactavist”. As an IBCLC, I’m insulted by being called the former, and proud to be called the latter. I am NOT a Boob Nazi. …

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Breastfeeding After a Cesarean

In the United States, nearly one in three births is a cesarean birth. Many of these cesareans are unexpected, so it is a good idea for the expectant mother to become informed and educated about the procedure before her baby arrives. An operative birth versus a vaginal birth can impact the breastfeeding experience in several ways. Mothers who have eagerly …

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