Ask Anne… Question: My daughter weaned herself when she was six months old. She would cry and scream at the breast, refusing to nurse. I tried everything under the sun to get her to start nursing again, but she just wouldn’t. After a week I gave in and started feeding her formula since she had to eat, and I was …
Read More »Anne Smith, IBCLC
I have eczema on my breasts, making them itchy and sore
Ask Anne… Question: I have recently developed eczema on my breasts. It itches a lot and has made my nipples sore. My dermatologist just started me on a topical cream. When she latches on, it itches, and I’m worried that the breastfeeding is irritating it and making it worse. Is this unusual? Answer: Eczema on the nipples is not uncommon. …
Read More »Large Breasted Women and Breastfeeding
Ask Anne… Question: What is a good position to breastfeed a baby for a large breasted woman? My sister has been using the football hold, but at four weeks her daughter is getting harder to support in this position. Any other ideas? Answer: The mother with large breasts (DD or above) may find that she has to experiment a little …
Read More »Can I breastfeed my adopted baby?
Ask Anne… Question: We are in the process of adopting a baby girl, and I want to breastfeed. Most articles I read are discouraging, and they say she will not make enough milk. Is is possible to get a full supply of milk? If so, is there something I should be doing now? Answer: It is possible to breastfeed an adopted …
Read More »How do I remove the hair around my nipples?
Ask Anne… Question: I am five months pregnant and want to breastfeed my baby, but I have several long coarse black hairs around my nipples. Could you suggest a safe method of removing them? I have tried to trim them using scissors, but they grow back even thicker. I don’t want to use depilatory creams as the chemical components in them …
Read More »My toddler wants to nurse more frequently at night
Ask Anne… Question: My daughter is 15 months old, and I am a SAHM who nurses her through the night. Lately she has been wanting to nurse MORE frequently. She used to just nurse once or twice a night for about 5 minutes or so. Now it’s 2 or 3 times and she nurses for 10 minutes or more. I …
Read More »Breastfeeding and Birth Control Pills
Ask Anne… Question: I have been taking Micronor while breastfeeding my 12 month old. I know that this method has been known to suppress having one’s period, but for how long? I am only nursing 2-3 times a day at this point. Also, since she is nursing less frequently do I need a “stronger” birth control pill? Answer: You don’t need …
Read More »How can I prevent frequent breast infections?
Ask Anne… Question: I had plugged ducts and breast infections 5 times when I was nursing my first baby I lived on antibiotics and ultrasounds. Nothing I tried worked, and the pain was excruciating. How can I reduce the chance of this happening again with my second child? Answer: I hate that you had so many problems with soreness and breast …
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