Anne Smith, IBCLC

Anne Smith, IBCLC
As the mother of six wonderful breastfed children, three perfect breastfed grand babies, and an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) with over twenty-five years experience in lactation counseling, I can offer you professional support, as well as information and advice based on my personal experiences over the years.

Is it safe to drink diet soda while I’m breasteeding?

Ask Anne… Question:  I am currently breastfeeding my one month old daughter. Everything is going wonderfully. My question is this: Is it safe to drink diet soda sweetened with Nutrasweet while nursing? My daughter’s pediatrician said it is fine but I find a lot of contradicting information on the internet. Your help would be appreciated. Answer: Drinking diet sodas sweetened …

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What should I do when my baby bites?

Ask Anne… Question: My son recently got his first three teeth and has done a number on my nipples. It seems he is more likely to bite down when upset or just really tired. What is the best way to deal with this problem? Answer: Many new mothers tell me that they plan to nurse their babies for six months, …

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I’m afraid to try breastfeeding again

Ask Anne… Question: I had so many problems breastfeeding my first baby that I’m afraid to try again. I wasn’t making enough milk and my nipples were bleeding from the constant sucking. I want to try to breastfeed this time but I am scared. Is there anything I can do now to prepare? Answer: I think it is wonderful that …

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Questions about pumping and storing breast milk.

Ask Anne… When I pump, I only get 1 ounce per side. I am worried because I am returning to work in 2 weeks and I’m not going to have enough breast milk to get her through the day while I’m at work.  She must be getting more than 1 ounce per when I nurse her, because she’s a big baby …

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Is my baby weaning himself?

Ask Anne… Question:   My nine month old baby has been on a nursing strike for almost a week. He is teething, and I think that it all started at the end of an usually hectic week, when he bit me and I raised my voice at him. He is eating solids and gaining weight, but he refuses a bottle and does not  take …

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Can I breastfeed with pierced nipples?

Ask Anne… Question: I had my nipples pierced when I was a teenager. Now I’m in my 20s and thinking about having a baby. Can I breastfeed my baby with pierced nipples? Answer: There is no evidence that established pierced nipples will affect your ability to breastfeed, although milk may leak out of the hole.  Try to prevent engorgement and …

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