How long does it take for food to get into my breast milk?

11 years ago

Ask Anne... Question:  How long does it take for food I eat to get into my breast milk? If I have chicken, rice and a salad for dinner, then when would I expect to have that show up in my milk? Answer:  I can't tell you exactly how long it takes for the…

Why is one breast bigger than the other?

11 years ago

Ask Anne... Question:  One of my breasts has always been a bit larger than the other, but since I started…

How can I combine bottle and breast feeding?

11 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: I plan to breastfeed exclusively for six weeks. However, I plan to go back to work after…

Baby sleeping through the night and mom wakes up engorged

11 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: My five month old sleeps through the night- about a ten hour  stretch - and I wake up engorged…

Blood In Breast milk

11 years ago

Ask Anne... Question:  I  delivered my baby girl three days ago. My breast milk came in yesterday, and today I…

On Being The Hot Chick

11 years ago

Once upon a time, on a frozen college campus littered with beer cans and cigarette butts, I, Vanessa Harris, was…

First Things First

12 years ago

You have so much to do. Your to-do list is long. Your day is short. The kids need something. You…

Thoughts for New Mothers

12 years ago

Thoughts for new mothers: Let the housework go, and stay in your pajamas. Eat what makes you feel good, and…

Book, Books and No More Books

12 years ago

I once posted this photo of Jack playing on a cat scratcher in front of our book shelves and someone…

Is drinking a glass of wine with dinner going to be harmful to my nursing baby?

12 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: Is drinking a glass of wine with dinner going to be harmful to my nursing baby? I've…