Will my breastfeeding baby have a milder case of chicken pox?

11 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: My five year old recently had a case of chicken pox that made him miserable for two…

How will a vegetarian or vegan diet affect my breast milk?

11 years ago

Ask Anne... I'm a vegetarian, and I'm considering become a vegan. What effect will that have on breastfeeding? Answer: Overall,…

Can I get a tattoo while I’m breastfeeding?

11 years ago

Ask Anne... Answer: There is no evidence to show that tattooing has any adverse effects on breastfeeding. Tattoos are created with…

Is it safe to get a sun tan while I’m breastfeeding?

11 years ago

Ask Anne... Question : I’m nursing my six month old baby, and we’re traveling to visit my husband’s family in…

How does your body produce milk after a c-section?

11 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: Since you're skipping the whole labor process, how does your body produce milk after a c-section? Answer:  Milk production…

Does caffeine get into breast milk?

11 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: Does caffeine  get into breast milk? If it affects the baby, how long would it take for…

A Love Story by guest blogger Mama Bean

11 years ago

I don’t remember the first time that I breastfed my daughter. I remember the first time that I held her;…

Breasts are sagging after weaning

11 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: I breastfed my little boy for 18 months. I weaned two months ago ago, and now my…

A Story of Long-Term Pumping by guest blogger Hayley

11 years ago

I have been Exclusively Pumping (EP) for 32 months at the end of September. My story in a nutshell is…

Sex After Baby: The Real Story

11 years ago

Abby, aka the 'Badass Breastfeeder', answers the question on every new mom (and dad's) mind: 'Is there sex after baby?" "If…