Will I be able to resume breastfeeding my baby when I return from a trip?

11 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: I went back to work when my baby boy was 3 months old. He  is now 6 months old,…

Tandem Nursing and Other Adjustments

11 years ago

We've been talking about the new baby for 9 months. We mostly talked about the birth because we knew this…

My toddler refuses to eat solid food.

11 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: I am still breastfeeding my eleven month old who nurses several times a day, but she isn't…

Will nursing my toddler keep me from getting pregnant again?

11 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: I am currently breastfeeding my one year old baby three times a day. In the last few…

Will breastfeeding affect the results of a pregnancy test?

11 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: I'm nursing my one year old, and I haven't had a period yet, but I'm having signs…

Can stress decrease my breast milk supply?

11 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: I have been under a lot of stress lately and no mater what I do, I'm still…

Should I delay clamping my baby’s umblilical cord?

11 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: My first baby is due in a few weeks, and I'm working on my birth plan. I…

Is Your Toddler A Twiddler?

11 years ago

Newborn babies often flail around when they are first getting the hang of breastfeeding. It seems like you need an…

My Gentle C-Section

11 years ago

By guest blogger Amanda Seventeen days ago I gave birth to our fourth child, second son. Zackery Galloway was born…

Breastfeeding Blunders

11 years ago

Breastfeeding is beautiful and beneficial and best for baby and a whole host of other "B"s, I'm sure. But it…