5 Tips for Gently Weaning the Highly Sensitive Child

10 years ago

Nothing about breastfeeding has gone the way that I planned and weaning is no exception. I have been breastfeeding for…

Why does my nipple turn white after nursing my baby?

10 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: I'm nursing my 3 month old and haven't had any nipple soreness since the first few days…

Breast Changes During Pregnancy

10 years ago

As a woman progresses through the various life stages of puberty, childbirth, and menopause, her body and her breasts go through…

Too Beautiful for Facebook

10 years ago

The other day I was breastfeeding Exley. Jack came next to the chair and started talking to me. Exley unlatched,…

On Breasts: A Guest Post by Badass Melody

10 years ago

The first time I realized my boobs bore some significance was in the fourth grade when my mother had me…

Trying to Relactate

10 years ago

Ask Anne... I am currently trying to relactate. I work full time Monday thru Friday from 8-5, and my job…

Medicine safe while breastfeeding?

10 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: I'm nursing my three month old baby, and I'm having a hard time getting over a head cold.…

What the heck is “vernix”?

10 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: When my baby was born at 38 weeks, I wanted to breastfeed her immediately after birth. I…

Lump in Breast

10 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: I'm breastfeeding my two year old daughter and don't plan to stop until she's ready to wean. We both still…

September Newsletter

10 years ago

  Newsletter September 2014 As an IBCLC with over 25 years experience counseling nursing moms and babies, I can’t make…