WIC: Empowering the Breastfeeding Momma

5 years ago
Anne Smith, IBCLC

  Did you know that the Women, Infant, and Children Nutrition Program (WIC) serves nearly half of all infants born…

The Important Question Doctors Aren’t Asking Pregnant Women

6 years ago

  When I was pregnant with my first child in 2006, I went to a routine appointment and my doctor…

Does the Haakaa breast pump live up to the hype?

6 years ago

Ask Anne Question: I’ve heard all these wonderful things about the Haakaa pump that almost sound too good to be…

My Domperidone Experience

6 years ago

Hi everyone, my name is Kim and I have been breastfeeding for almost 29 months now! I have been on…

Domperidone and Breastfeeding

6 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: I am trying to boost my supply for my six week old which seems to have dwindled…

Boobies Are For Babies

7 years ago

When a breastfeeder is told that they must cover so that other people don’t feel uncomfortable or so that no…

5 Things That Seem Hard but Actually Make Parenting Easier

7 years ago

Parenting is hard no matter how you slice it, but sometimes we do things without knowing we are actually making…

Can I save my frozen breast milk during a power outage?

8 years ago

Ask Anne... Every time I hear about a natural disaster or weather emergency,  I think about how hard it must…

Breastfeeding Is Risky Business

8 years ago

Katie Graham Anderson So we all know the benefits of breastfeeding. Let's talk about the risks, shall we? 1. Risk…

My toddler’s teeth scrape my nipples when she nurses

8 years ago

Ask Anne... Question: My daughter is 12 months old and still breastfeeding several times a day.  For the past 2…